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Dear Zelda,


HOW COULD THEY!?!?!?!?! Inuyashas such a hit! Everyone loves Inuyasha! How could they just kill him off like that!?!?!?!?! The last episode will be episode 166. Four episodes away.;_;

Sorry If this spoils anything for anyone, but I just thought all the Inuyasha fans should know.

A very sad and disappointed Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl whos also a fan of Inuyasha)


Dear Acco,

Considering that I'm also a good fan of Inuyasha myself, this is rather upsetting. But think of this, I mean 166 episodes? I mean what did Trigun get? Like 16 or something? It was worthy of FAR more! But anyway, that's a lot of espisodes of action-packed Inuyasha goodness! Maybe someday they'll come back with some more episodes. When they realize that the mobs are just too much for them to handle *coughs*

[Webmistress note: THEY'RE ENDING INUYASHA?! omg this is such a catastrophy!!! I think I'm going to die now from my lack of Miroku and Sango!!! noooo!!!! *screams*]

Miroku reminds me a lot of...me. I mean -everyone- wants to bear -my- children. I guess I'm just awesome like that. *beams*

The last time you asked someone to do that for you, they went to Kakariko well and got a bucket, then later dumped the contents of the water on your head...freak

and Link

Dear Link,

I am NOT a rabbit! Haven't you ever heard of Dynasty Warriors?! I'm RedHare the HORSE. Sheesh. Is that so hard to understand? Can I please have my brain back. NOW!!!!!!!!!! I demand to see my brain, now!!!

RedHare (the horse)

P.S. Hey wanna go for a beer later on?


Dear RedHare,

Man...you mean I got the brain of a -horse-??? I would have much rather had the brain of the rabbit. I mean they're so much smarter. Anywho...I guess you can have it back since I don't wanna be a dumb horse. And no I never heard of these...dynasty warriors. Do they reside in Termina or something? I mean who are they to call themselves warriors anyway. I'm the one that does all the saving around him. I saved the WORLD from destruction in three days! Let's see some dynasty warrior do that shit!

I guess I could go for one later...let's bring Zelda!




So I was thinking the other day...Since the land hasn't been in all that much danger (apologies for my lack of work) and that you haven't been doing...whatever it is you do, would you mind accompanying me at Death Mountain for the Goron ceremonial roll races? I mean later on we can go out and eat somewhere in the square or something. I mean it's up to you, I just hate the looks I get when I'm around people. I would much rather do something more private and out in the country. I'm getting tired of people pointing at me and going "THAT'S THE GUY THAT RUINED US! THROW ROCKS AT HIM!" I have a bump on my head right now cause they keep hitting the same spot! But anyway, if you'd wish to...ya know. You can anytime, just send a messenger pigeon right over to Gerudo valley. Or play a song on the ocarina of time, or something. Anything really. See you later I suppose!

-Ganondorf, King of all Evil.


Dear Ganondorf,

Um....I don't know exactly how to respond to this. Are you actually asking me out on a date? Cause it really seems that way. I guess my second question would be...why? You live in a land of nothing but females! Don't tell me that they all turned you down! There's gotta be some sick twisted female that's into evil men wanting to rule the world...I mean...they wouldn't be sick! You're a great guy...despite the raping of houses and burning them down...and making a lava pit with a giant castle suspended over it. And well, sending the world into total darkness where the dead rise. I mean despite all THAT. You're actually an okay guy.


Give me time to think on this one.

Dear God...NO!!!

and Link

Dear Roy,(Sorry Zelda, but this is important.)

Early this morning I broke into Marth's castle, hoping to take a few pics of the sleeping prince, sell the copy's on E-bay for millions of dollars wile keeping the originals. But as I made my way to the sexy beast's room, a guard saw me and began to chase me. I was finally able to give him the slip by hiding in one of the guest rooms on the west wing. But I wasn't the only one who was in that room! YOU, of all people, were there! You anit no Marth, but hey I could get a few hunder bucks of you as well, so I decided to take your pic instead. I must say, you did look cute, all cuddled up like that with your hair all messy. As I drew near, I noticed something about what you were cuddling with.(Sorry yaoi Fangirls, it wasn't Marth) They didn't quite*Cough*...match. You know of what I speak. Its quite clever how you pulled it off though. But, you never thought a freaky girl with no life would come in your room at 3:00 AM did you!? NO, you didn't! And that was your fatal mistake.

Now, if you don't send me 100,000,000,000 pounds of sugar, I will tell every one about your little secret! And I have pictures, so no one would believe you if you denied it! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Well, I must go find something to black-mail Sarah with, so bye!

Acco(The evil Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS!!! What the hell were you doing in my room anyway?! I knew I shouldn't have picked a random guest bedroom to sleep in that night. But hey no one would have found out then!!! I can't believe this is happening to me. The ONE time I decide to do this too. I mean I have before...but I kept freaking out that Marth would walk in. Since he likes to do that a lot. He's freaky or something. I should have just stayed in my room. The one with the huge banners and torches and such. At least maybe you wouldn't see obvious markings like that! I'll send Marth right on that sugar. Just DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!

This is quite humorous. Mostly because I know exactly what Acco is speaking of. You shouldn't be so ashamed of it, Roy. I mean a lot of people do that...so Why are you so worried about everyone knowing about it?

It's mostly cause that's private. And I don't want 2394723947347 fangirls knowing how I sleep at night!

Okay, to all of you "fangirls" out there. I just wanna blatantly state that Roy sleeps with a Princess Ruto plushy. Why he's into fish people, I have no idea. But he is. Not only that, but he wears these Zora pajamas with little footies and everything. I guess he has sweet dreams every night of being a fishy himself.



Oh by Din this is HILARIOUS! Dude! You can so take her off my hands! I've found my life-saver!!! Yes!!!



and Link

Dear Sarah,

My computer is dying. I might not be able to talk with Zelda for a while.

Your friend, Mr. Pseudonym


[Webmistress note: Dear Mr. Pseudonym

A most unfortunate turn of events, considering you're one of our biggest writers! I'm saddened by this state. I guess all I do is reassure you that the site will still be up and running upon your return. So no worries there. Must..find...more..material...]

I'm sure Link can find some ways to add material to the site. I mean besides, I have thousands of fans!! Everyone loves me!!


Very, very nice. I love your sitey, too! ^.^ And on the fanart page you have zelda cos-playing Sailor Moon, right? Well, I have a story called "Sailor Sages" and zelda looks identical to your except with the silver instead of purple! XD

~Tsuka Tsukino, daughter of Usagi Tsukino, Daughter of Usagi Tsukino OR Smallest Lady Serenity, daighter of Small Lady Serenity, daughter of Princess Serenity, daughter of Queen Serenity OR Sailor Moon Protection, daughter of Sailor Chibi Moon, daughter of Sailor Moon


Dear Tsuka Tsukino,

Flattered by how you feel about the site. Props to Sarah for the art and such. She captures me so well at times!! I'm glad to have all walks of life at the site. I look forward to many more emails, hopefully.


Dear Zelda,

Eating a lemon + Watching the old Zelda cartoon, the one were Link fights in JUST a shirt = A noise thats something between a giggle and a gag and a Mad T.V.'s Miss. Swan smile.

WARNING! Do NOT try this at home.

A very amuse Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl) who's eating a Lemon.


Dear Acco,

I'll make sure not to try that anytime soon. Speaking of the old cartoon though...it almost makes me wanna look back at it and watch how retro I used to be. I mean look at that hair! And those pants! By Din those pants. Ganon wasn't doing too well either. And Link, you had such a snotty arrogant....wait you're still that way.

I so am not!

and Link

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Let me guide you home...