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Dear Zelda,

I will decapitate your sheep, and serve them to you smothered in marshmallow goo, and chocolate! Them you wake up with a chocolate sheep head in your bed next to you! Don't cross Don Fluffy! He'll mess you up!

Loyal Lacky of Don Fluffy,
Decapitating Harry


Dear Decapitating Harry,

I thought we came across the discussion of sheep. I don't have any! And if I did, I know nothing of them. I think Easter is coming a bit too soon this year though...what with chocolate sheep and all.


Dear Zelda,

I want my elephant! I want my elephant! I want my elephant!

Armageddon Kitten


Dear Armageddon Kitten,

Next week! Next week! Next week!


Dear Zelda,

Why do the little lights on my computer glow blue?



Dear Gooey,

I seem to have the same issue. My computer happens to be a Sony Vaio though...so that might explain something. If you change the bulbs to a different color, you're sure to give your computer a different hue.


Dear Zelda,

Its mind over matter.

I don't mind and you don't matter.

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

You're quite chipper this morning!


Dear Ganondorf,

With your power and my Coffee, we can rule the world! Link gets his power from his balls, and if they don't work, then he's a pathetic girly man! Ha ha! I'll splash the piping hot coffee on his balls, and you send the monsters on him. First Hyrule will crumble, then Columbia, then the world! We will expand to lands across the great ocean to bring a new era of coffee-- I mean chaos on the world! Overcoming those pathetic and worthless sages will be easy, and coffee is plentiful in Columbia! Will you join me, comrade, and take over the world?

Lover of Coffee, and insane Megalomaniac,
Mateus, Jr.


Dear Mateus Jr.,

...were you sneaking into my chamber last night? Because...that's...my...*grumbles* Back to the drawing board...

Ganondorf- Evil king overlord

Dear Zelda,

Night hawk is poser of many bad bricks! he bad bad hawk! Hawking up steal Mao's style! No more hawk! I putting hawk in bird cage before hawk see me, butt am an am an me am an am not knowing where he lives. Me no know whereing hawk stay, and no know hawk name. He mite knot even being in school dance with ladybird and I give bird the bird. Me no like bird!

Where this bird come from, an am anmd how do Mao step on birds?

Mao Tse-tung


Dear Mao,

This hawk seems to have you flustered. If I remember right, Link got to know some fellows that were...hawk like...maybe if I talk to him, he could squawk them to you! Then you could proudly step on them.


Dear Zelda,

Do you know who seanbaby is from EGM? If not go to seanbaby.com if you know what you're doing, you'll get to a list of the 20 worst games of all time, and wand of Gamelon is around number 5 or 6. If you don't know what you're doing, you'll go someplace stupid and not be able to get back. It really is a weird site. I don't really want to frequent it too often from its disturbingness. Link supposedly wears pink lipstick in it. Why would he do that?

Tiamat, Lord of the wastes, King of darkness, Master of evil, Hound of the resurrection, Slayer of the innocent, Devourer of Souls, Overlord of the Undead, Destroyer of Empires, Nightmare to all, Demon of Chaos, Supreme Rock Master, Bringer of Misery, Plague of Fear, Butcher of Hylians, Murderer of Hippies, Avatar of Fury, Walking Desecration, Embodiment of Desolation, Impaler of Peasants, Drinker of Innocent Blood, Pandora's Box, Pirate of Perversity, President of inequity, Vicious Dog of Doom, Prince of Despair, The Malicious Murderer, Archduke of Disaster, Creator of Malevolence, Phantom of Debauchery, Tyrant of Depravity, Ghoul of Horror, Fiend of Dread, Bane of the Living, Eternal HellHound of Foulness, Executor of The Angelic, Defacer of The Saintly, Chief of Obscenity, Director of Contamination, Terror of The Night, Amplifier of Catastrophe, Sadist of Calamity, Assassinator of The Pure, Emperor of Hatred, Conveyor of Indecency, Beast of Annihilation, Ripper of Ruin, Gold Card Member of The Meter Room, Awakener of Wickedness, Hellspawn of Hades, Committer of Crime, Twister of many Skulls, Dictator of Death, Chairman of Notoriousity, Locust of Famine, Mantis of the Apocalypse, Fang of the Poison Tooth, The Forever Decapitator, Master of the disembowelment arts, Pyromaniac of Persecution, Headmaster of Oppression, Deceptor of Dawn, Necromancer of the Putrid, Ultimus of Hatred, Eater of the dead, Scion of Pestilence, Wraith of Havoc, Shade of Despair, Evil Eye of Agony, Praetor of The Pit.

PS Please look at my name and titles. Its so long I'm actually starting to be proud of it. Seriously, I started my villainy career by stealing chickens!


Dear Tiamat,

Sounds like a crappy place, Tiamat. And the thing about Link wearing lipstick? Frightening. I mean I've played pretty pretty princess with him a time or two. His girly side seems to shine then. And yes, I've seen him wear make-up during -that- event. But any other time? You wouldn't find him caught dead with anything that slightly RESEMBLES a female near him. Trust me, I know. *sigh* Anyway...I'm starting to become quite proud of your title as well. I mean, that's a whole lotta...bad...in there. You are quite ruthless.


Dear Zelda and friends,

Sarah: Bobs a Gemini also. And I am going to steal Bobs shorts. Does this mean I have to steal your shorts too?

Marth: *Fangirl squeal* THOSE ARE SO CUTE(The little avatars, I mean)!!!!!! You are so creative! It makes me proud to be your fangirl\servent. Now, I must go beat the shit out of the fish girl. For she has threatened you. And I shall not tolerate that. Nope. Not at all. Come along, Zakk, we're having fish for dinner!

Zelda: If I may make one little correction, there is a girl who wants Roy. Kcco. Why, no idea. But, as they say here "Shes turned on by him. Shes all 'Oh Roy, your so sexy! OOOOOooooOOOHHHHH!"

link: Yes, I have issues. What they are, I don't know. How to fix them, I know not either. But for now, I shall just have to make do with biting you. *Bits link*

ink whatver, ou taste ike stoot and poo*. :D

*This phase was taken from Salad Fingers 2: Friends. Please do not sue me or Sarah. But go ahead and sue Zelda. She is rich.

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

I don't even know if I want to feed Roy's overly-fed ego and tell him such things. If he knows he has another fangirl he'll think he owns the site again. *sigh* Can't have that.

[Webmistress Note: I'm not one for answering the emails, but I will on this occasion. It's winter time, so if you can find a pair of my shorts, by all means...you've earned 'em.]

I'm glad you liked the avatars, Acco. Like I said, I'm rather proud of the way my Marth one turned out. It's so...studly. And it's so me. *flips hair* As for Ruto, that was an idle threat. I'm wondering what she and her fish fellows intend to do with me. I was just testing my latest lure! *hmphs*

I went there for a swim once, and I think I scared a school of fish. Less than a minute later, I was surrounded by a swarm of those Zoras. I'm telling you, they don't let you get by with -anything-. And Death to you if you come near lake Hylia with a fishing pole. *shudders* As for the issues, Acco. You should consult a psychiatrist. I mean he cured me -right- up after the first five visits. Granted I cluck like a chicken on a full moon in August...but I think I'm alright now.

I can vouch for that, actually. He kept me up all night.


Dear Zelda,

Is it okay if I include more than a little blood in my fanfiction? I want to know the limits.

Orange Dae


Dear Orange Dae,

I don't mind. I mean it's your fanfiction. If I didn't want it...I would have had the webmistress set up guildlines. As of right now, there's no limits...wait. There shall be:

1. No killing of Zelda
2. No robots that are set to kill Hylian Princesses
3. No putting Link in a dress


4. No mud people. (they give me nightmares)

That is all.

and Link

Dear Zelda,

You put up one heck of a fight, but I admit defeat. Hyrule is far too large for me to conquer. Now don't I feel stupid for issuing that ultimatum a while back. I have overextended my army, and do not wish to do battle anymore. There were too many casualties on both sides, but I still feel proud of myself for holding Lake Hylia for 23 days. I'll give it back to you, but we made a big mess there, and turned most of it into a living hell. Also, a few soldiers liked to force prisonrs to pee in the lake, so you might have to clean that too. We also left a couple full porta-johns at the bottom, and left the rotting carcass of some citizens by the labratory. Also, the electric chair in the prison we hastily built hasn't been turned off. Last I heard those bumbling soldiers were cooking hotdogs on it.

I commend you, for proving that good CAN beat evil.

Yours truly,
Orichalkum Leviathan


Dear Orichalkum Leviathan,

Nice of you to be so gentlemen when admitting defeat. Most would build bigger armies and...be washed down again. But regardless! Yes, you did keep Lake Hylia far too long, I do admit. And in 23 days you've managed to do THAT? I fear what your actual homeland looks like. Princess Ruto is not going to be pleased...she's probably already had a heart attack.


Dear Zelda the Stampede,

We are ready for you Zelda the stampede. I challenge you to a showdown. The place your choice. But first how would you like to die. Pleasure with death or death without pleasure, your choice.

Ryan the stampede (the guy who loves malon)


Dear Ryan the Stampede,

Alright, I accept your challenge. I must warn you though, that I hold not only the arts of western-style battle, but I know army tactics that just might surprise you and kill you at least 20 times before you finally fall on the ground. However, like I said...I accept your challenge. Trust me...I'll take pleasure...before the death.

Zelda the Stampede

Flear Anyone,

GET MALON ON THIS SITE OR ILL REVEAL THE MOST EMBARASSING SECERTS OF LINK AND ZELDA. I mean that too. Here is another thing about Roy. He raped zelda three times last year when zelda was sleeping.

Ryan ( the guy who loves malon)

P.S. Look me up if you want secerts, and i mean the better ones.


Dear Ryan,

By Din! He did that...? I mean...when? Where? I didn't even...notice....anything...*blinks*


Alright, way to break a guy's heart. You didn't even...FEEL anything???


This is embarassing. DAMN YOU RYAN!! DAMN YOU!!!

and Roy

Dear Milady Princess Zelda,

Good day to you! I merely wish to ask if you like how Link looks in the Zelda Gamecube game coming out in 2005. I sort of like how he has chain mail under his tunic, so he has some body protection (unlike in certain times past).

Thank you.

"May the way of the heroine lead to the Triforce!"

Nintendo Forever


Dear Nintendo Forever,

I think that Link's new attire is simply gorgeous. Though I can't say much for his face. He's turned so...mean looking. What in the world did they do to you, Link?

I received a crappy bonus that year. I wasn't too happy.

Regardless, the uniform he has is tactical and darling at the same time. The chain mail will -really- help him I think. (Like having 2394739247 heart containers isn't enough, but yes!) I'm quite pleased with the game's production. I can't wait to see it come out.

and Link

Dear Zelda,

Lunk man am knowing hawk? This am making Mao am anting for drive golden railroad spike in wehere hawks union am meeting hawks central pacific. Mao am want to am step on am hawk until hawking am fluffery feathersesers?Me am hyper thumping hawk, then am featherys puff up. Big owl am having multiple faces and am hawk fly away to sit on eggs in house, when farmererer am pulling out eggs, and am hawk fly away to home. Mao am wanting Hawk gone!

Mao Tse-tung


Dear Mao,

Link happens to be an expert hawk killer! What with all those times he's practiced on those bat looking creatures that loom the sky at night. I'm sure he can help you with your hawk troubles.


Dear Roy,

Your parents came and visited me 10/24/04. They both had some * clears throut* interesting stories about your life. Your moms name is Lyndis and your fathers name is Eliwood. Your fathers friend is Lord Hector. And I do know some secerts about you that I will reveal I my next E-mail. But for know I'll tell you all that Roy used to go to bed with barbie and princess dolls. He still wears womens underwear and goes to bed in a pink nightgown. Thats all I am going to say for now. So keep on truck'n dudes and dudettes.

Ryan ( the guy who loves Malon )



If I find you, I swear I'm going to decapitate you and feed your skull to the dodongos...wherever they are...I never got that far in the game. *sigh* But I'll find 'em! So you better watch your back! You'll be sorry...you'lll beeeee sorrrryyyyyy.


Dear Everyone,

So young, so angery, dam that hylian music.

Ryan ( the guy who loves malon)

P.S. Get Malon on soon. I'm begging you, Sarah.


Dear Ryan,

I know what you mean. I have this band that plays down in the market place. That music likes to drive me insane. I sent message to Malon by the way. She should be making an appearance soon.


Dear Zelda,

Yes, I have started the habit of apologizing to people- whether I did something to them or not. Also, it's better to plan ahead before the pages get really high, or your going to run into a lot of problems like Beth did. Sorry, just trying to help. <--see I did it again. BTW I don't have time to read all the pages so sorry for asking a repeat.

Zelda and Link- Where is you favorite place to vacation in Hyrule?

Marth- I love your ava-remakes. You should check out mine sometime (the name's ilikebeingevil818 on Gaia). Will you be having another sleep over soon?

Roy- I've seen all of Bebop. I think its better uncut on DVD. Whose your favorite character off Bebop? I like Grencia Mars Elijia Guo Eckner.

Acco- Yes, its the same Brenda. I was looking up "Beth's page of Marth"- found it shut down. I scrolled down the page a bit and found this web site :3. Without thinking I sent an email and... well... this is how it is now. Oh, Have you ever seen the dubbing bloopers on Kenshin? God they're so funny XD

I'm not telling Beanster about this site. Best to keep this one to myself.


Dear Brenda,

The pages are getting rather high. And as great as that sounds for me, Sarah is taking the necessary steps to make sure that they don't get out of hand. She easily sees that happening right now. I guess I'm just that popular, aye? My favorite place to vacation would have to be the lost woods. I guess that's just the elven part of me, but I love the way the sun shines through the leaves, giving it a green hue. It's rather peaceful. Plus that lovely music brings upbeat to anyone's soul.

I love Lake Hylia...for multiple reasons. *blushes*


I plan to have a halloween party. And everyone is invited, really. I would be more than thrilled. I'll certainly try with your avatar. Thank you for the compliments.

It's ROY'S time to shine! I'm kinda taken to Ed. But hey...who wouldn't like Faye? For multiple reasons...*drools*...*shakes out of it* What? I mean, I like Ed. It must be the hair.

Wow...telling Beanster. That would bring back so many memories. I almost wanna hear from everyone.

And imagine the revenge...

and Link

Dear Link,

NOT YOU! Why would I bite you? I meant the other Link. The one who said I had issues. You know! The one who spells his name with no capital "L". That Link.

Acco(The Kenshin obssesed girl)


Dear Acco,

That link is a putz.


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Let me guide you home...