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Dear Zelda,

That wasn't me with the grandbabies. Since when did I say yippee?

Oh, I found a pair of panties with your name on it by the fountain.



Dear Impa,

You said yippee ONCE. I distinctly remember it. Mostly cause you were drunk and sticking your head in the horse's trough saying "I'm looking for the fishies!". So yeah...it was once. I assumed?! My panties..found..?

Damnit Link.


Dearest Zelda,

It has been so long since we celebrated at my pretty, pink palace of plenty. I would like to invite you to another special party, since I have bought the most splendid party dress, ruby slippers and party favors to share. Marth has helped me find the most fabulous tiaras. I hope to have each female guest, and male ones if they are game, to wear and take home a tiara of their choosing. The guest of honor is a secret. The only hint I will give you is that it is at 7pm on your birthday. Please don't be late and don't concern yourself on the details of hauling your loot-ahhh, I mean your transportation to the party and back home has been arranged. Please let me know your favourite flavour of cake, ice cream and perferred appetizers. Some guests have already inquired if you have registered at any merchantiles. The party will not be the same without your presence.

Yours Forever,
Zut of Pythonia


Dear Zut,

I'm absolutely thrilled to visit this party of yours. And it's on my birthday?! How kind of you!! Your palace is absolutely beautiful as well. The pink tips I gave you have worked out wonderfully. But regardless, you have transportation arranged? I guess that's alright. I would have just taken the carriage as always. Is it alright if Link accompanies me? You can't go to dinner without an escort of some kind. And Link generally takes that position. But yes, I'll be absolutely thrilled to come!

...*sigh* I'm not even gonna explain.

and Marth

Dear Marth,

I had the misfortune of finding your panties by the well too...



Dear Impa,


Damnit Link.


Dear Zelda,

I am the deity of the forest, and I grace your land with good forest! The magical crop fairy will assist me in the toenail plant of happiness! The thousand-armed goddess will be so very pleased. She is a creature of the forrest, and despises hate. For once, someone wants to help Hyrule, instead of hurt it! The vines will crawl at a rate, that will vegitate the entire country, and there will be overgrowth of joy and plants!

Deity of the forest and toenails,


Dear Viridian,

That's at least a pleasant surprise. I graciously accept this encounter and encourage it greatly! Just keep the weeds away from my rose bushes. Or I'll be forced to slay you. Not hate intended!


Dear Zelda,

Me am making up friendingship with hippy man. Lumpy cat am reading french comics then am hippy man slap naughty lumopy cat for scratching ing hippy man toes. Lucky Melody week begin am om an on day of tommorrow. You like if you am liking Lucky Melody Tommorrow.



Dear Mao,

I'm glad that you're making new friends, Mao. It's always good to gain a new friend...and possibly another body guard. Considering your situations you always find yourself into, that should be a good thing. French comics? I wonder what those are like. Probably like regular comics with...french words. I didn't know your cat knew french.


Dear Zelda,

That's strong words coming from a man wearing pants!

Mr. Hapsburg


Dear Mr. Hapsburg,

Pretty strong indeed. Though, stronger from a woman wearing a dress! And a crown, if you get my drift.


Dear Zelda,

Haven't had much time to talk to you. Been in solitary confinement for a few days. What's the best way to prepare goat milk? I imagine having a baby goat marinated in it's mother's milk would be best.

The prison library is awesome! I might just get something out of the rest of my sentence.

Tiamat, Lord of the wastes, King of darkness, Master of evil, Hound of the resurrection, Slayer of the innocent, Devourer of Souls, Overlord of the Undead, Destroyer of Empires, Nightmare to all, Demon of Chaos, Supreme Rock Master, Bringer of Misery, Plague of Fear, Butcher of Hylians, Murderer of Hippies, Avatar of Fury, Walking Desecration, Embodiment of Desolation, Impaler of Peasants, Drinker of Innocent Blood, Pandora's Box, Pirate of Perversity, President of inequity, Vicious Dog of Doom, Prince of Despair, The Malicious Murderer, Archduke of Disaster, Creator of Malevolence, Phantom of Debauchery, Tyrant of Depravity, Ghoul of Horror, Fiend of Dread, Bane of the Living, Executor of The Angelic, Defacer of The Saintly, Chief of Obscenity, Director of Contamination, Terror of The Night, Amplifier of Catastrophe, Kaiser of Calamity, Assassinator of The Pure, Emperor of Hatred, Conveyor of Indecency, Beast of Annihilation, Ripper of Ruin, Gold Card Member of The Meter Room, Awakener of Wickedness, Hellspawn of Hades, Committer of Crime, Twister of many Skulls, Dictator of Death, Chairman of Notoriousity, Locust of Famine, Mantis of the Apocalypse, Fang of the Poison Tooth, The Forever Decapitator, Master of the disembowelment arts, Pyromaniac of Persecution, Headmaster of Oppression, Deceptor of Dawn, Necromancer of the Putrid, Ultimus of The Graveborn, Eater of the dead, Scion of Pestilence, Wraith of Havoc, Evil Eye of Agony, Praetor of The Pit, The Shrieking Shriveler, Archon of Agony, Evincar of Foulness, Lich of Mutilation, Crusader of Treachery, Apparition Injustice, Painbringer of Purgery, Keeper of The Void, Sadist of Lobotomy, Ranger of Misfortune, Overseer of The Tainted, Titan of Extinction, Beacon of Incineration, Firebeast of the Inferno, Muse of the Wicked, Penumbra of Betrayal, Juggernaut of Pain, Hydra of Dominance, Force of Indulgence, Stronghold of the Relentless, Legacy of Pandemonium, Shaver of Yaks, Vandalizing Drone, Lost but Seeking, Crusader for Injustice, Despiser of Law, Renewer of Abhorrence, Exploiter of Exploitation, Negator of Faith, Shaman of Ill-will, Fist of Destitution.


Dear Tiamat,

I would have to say your way of preparing goats milk is a bit akward. You always have the milk, not the goat. Wait..I keep forgetting that you're evil.

I would keep the temperature on high when you're heating up the milk. Then slice up the baby goat into bite size bits. You know..add some salt and pepper for tasting. And let it marinate for about 40 minutes. That should make quite the tasty treat.


and Ganondorf

Dear Zelda,

I growl at you and Kcco hisses at you.

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

Well...I whimper at you and Link slowly backs away.


Dear Everyone,

Life sucks,
So get over it.
( A gun fires and someone dies.)

Ryan the dragon knight


Dear Ryan,

I certainly do see.

Oh my...*blinks*

and Malon

Dear Zelda,


Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

FINE FINE! I'll wear it! But ONLY for a day!


Dear Malon,

Will you bear my children.

Ryan the dragon knight


Dear Ryan,

Who are you? Miroku?!

YES!! ^__^!!!

...*shakes her head*

and Malon

Dear Zelda,

I had a very weird and squishy\fuffly dream last night. It was kinda like one of those movies about someone's life, and then they die and all that good stuff, but mine was less important. So the dream:

I was very old. Like 95 or something. I was dieing, so I came back here, to this house. But in my dream it was my old house cause I lived in Japan. Anyway, I came back here, and it was all broken down and stuff. I go in, look around, make my way down stairs, and see it. My old computer. The stickers along the monitor faded and pealing, the paper in the printer yellowing and mouth eaten, the mouse tipped over on its side. I walked over, pressed the on button with my toe(For some reason I was bare-foot), like I had done so many times as a child. A click and a pop, a noisey "Gurh-Gurh" issues from the machine, but it works. It seems forever before the desktop pops up. I look at the various icons "Acco's stuff", "Eudora" "Internet Explorer". I click on each one in turn, looking through all the stories, pictures, Oekakis, and other stuff that I had stored away, remembering. I go into Eudora and check my mail. I vaguely wonder if the old Internet even works. It does, somehow. "148 messages left to download" I read. "I'll be here a wile." I minimize it. The mouse hovers over "Internet Explorer". "Should I?" I do. First on the list was "www. battelon .com", witch I still played to this day. But it had evolved. No longer a game witch you sit and with the mouse click on the attack options, but now a game we're you do the actual fighting. That was how the new internet was. Very complicated. A white page with "The page cannot be displayed" at the top pops up. I move onto the next "http://www. weebls-stuff.com/" was next. It brings me to home page. I scroll down, and look at the date. 8th October 2025 - 12:26am. Under it the news. "I am sorry to say the we have decided to end the site. We never seem to have time to make more flashes, and frankly it has become boring. See the farewell toon here." I remember the day it closed. Next it was "www.fat-pie.com", Home of SALAD FINGERS. It too had been closed down by it owner. Then Blurty. Oh, good old Blurty. I had kept my journal for 83 years, my last entry made only a day ago. I wondered if I could up date it from here. I tried, and it worked. So, that left two one the list. My Oekaki board. It had grown. Very much so. We now had about 120 members. And mine, Tracys, Bleurghs, and occasionally Kcco's, children were the new Queen, King, Prince and Commander of the Army of Crappy Oekaki. I made my finale Oekaki then, just as I had so many years ago made my first Oekaki for Beth's Page Of Marth. And that left one. Sarah's Page of Zelda. I had not been to the site for many years. Me and Sarah had gotten in a fight. Over what, I couldn't remember, but what I did remember was that I had left SPOZ that day, and I had never gone back. But I was old now, so was she, and damn it, I was dieing. It slowly changed from "The Board of Acco, Kcco, Tracy and Bleurgh" to Sarah's Page of Zelda. I scrolled down. It had been updated recently. But the moderator wasn't Sarah. It was a girl named Melissa Meadows. Sarah's daughter. I scrolled down a little. At the bottom was "Acco, if you ever come back, I'm sorry.".(^^;;;;;;;;; I know. Its cheesy. Its ghetto. Its my dream and I have no control over it) I exited out, and came back to Eudora. My E-mails had finished downloading along time ago, but I hadn't noticed. They were all just some bills. I clicked on New Message.

To: ask_zelda@yahoo.com From: Chris Subject: Hello

Dear Zelda and co.,

Hello. Do you remember me? Maybe. I remember you though. I am old now, but you all are still young, witch I am thankful for. So. My last letter.

Sarah(If your still around, you old fart!): I'm sorry too. I missed you and the site and Zelda and spamming you and most of all, Marth. :) I expect to see you soon. :)

Zelda: Why Zelda! Still up and running!?! I heard about your new game thats coming out. Too bad I shall never get to play it. Now, for todays Stupid Question: As a last request by me, will you please go out with Marth just this once?

Link: Good to see you Link, spandex and all. I still sand by my prediction that you shall marry Malon. XD Keep up the Ganon ass-kicking goodness.

Ganondorf: I hate you. Goodbye. XD :)

Malon: Doesn't my prediction make you happy? :)

Roy: Kcco still likes you. As we use to say, "She STILL wants your bod". :)

And last but ever least, Marth: You are THE Sexy Beast.

Good bye all, and thanks.

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed woman....girl)

I send it. I yawn. I'm tired. I blink one last time, thinking about my life. I look up to the place were I use to keep my Kenshin and Kaoru poster. I can still see it, even though it was burned up in a fire. "Well, its been fun." I say. Then I close my eyes. For ever.

Isn't that the saddest, weirdest, stupidest dream, like, ever? I woke up crying! I was all "NO!!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!! I DON'T WANT TO GET IN A FIGHT WITH SARAH!!!! T_T_T_T_T-T" Just. Plain. Weird.

Acco(The Kenshin obsessed girl)


Dear Acco,

I'm just...absolutely stunned. You know? Imagine what it would be like if we were all old and STILL doing this stuff! I mean, think about it. How many hits would the site have? How many pages of "ask zelda" would there be? Surely Erek would have had to give Sarah more space by then. Simply amazing. I do imagine this site running for a long time. Maybe even till we're all old and grey. Who knows?

I'm just glad that after all those years, I'd still be a sexy beast. I must age well.


-_-' Link...gross.

[Webmistress note: I've had a few dreams involving this place and the sites I've been around. It is amazing what your mind comes up with. I just hope we never get into a fight like your dream says. Let's hope things remain peaceful. And I'm sure even after all those years, if you did come back after a fight..you'd be welcome to the site with open arms...if a site had arms.]

Sarah knows just what to say doesn't she. *sarcastic*

and Malon

Dear Link,

Zelda and Marth are dating now
ha ha ha ha !!!

you should go to their wedding unless your too jealous

Anonoimous Z


Dear Anonoimous,

THEY ARE NOT! This isn't fair! I'm supposed to be in his place! MEEEEE!!! *screams*


Dear Zelda,

Say "sunshine city" three time fast. It's fun to hear all the crud you say trying.

Yours truly,
Zero Omega


Dear Zero Omega,

Wow...I said some pretty rotten stuff.

Yeah! Like "sunshine shi-

[Webmistress note: Roy has been banned from answering questions for 2 days.]

Poor Roy...

and suspended Roy

Dear Zelda,

If I traded everything I had, I would trade it for you. Why do you reject me? What did I do? What did I say? I need you, or else my world will stay like the horrid piece of crap it is.

With all the Love the world can muster,
Poopy O'Donald


Dear Poopy O'Donald,

That's a pretty gross name you got there. Regardless! Is this a love letter? Or a love song lyric? Cause if you're hitting on me...I swear...

She's getting that look in her eyes again.

Kinda like the one she gives to you when you do things like this.


Yep, you're right.

and Link

Dear Link,

Want to go shoe shopping? After that we can go to the theatre and watch a play. Wouldn't that be just FABULOUS?

Roffellos, Elf of Llanowar


Dear Roffellos,

Shoe shopping? Heavens no.

SIMPLY fabulous! I know all the great shoe stores around this area too! I can get them sooo cheap too. Do you have the 50% off member's card like what I do?! If you don't I can sooo get you one!


and Marth

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Let me guide you home...